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Handsome Tom - by ozwalled

Handsome Tom

"Handsomely Handsome Puppet". I'm a big fan of Threed's Handsome Tom. Sure, it was merely an alternate palette version of Smilin' Sam, but come ON! He's a puppet/ dummy that has purple skin and white hair. How creepy is THAT? And how creepy is the person who'd have made him? Handsome Tom is cool.

Other Submissions by ozwalled

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ozwalled Crash Site
Where the meteor crashed, with Ness and Pokey, seen from above.
6/21/06 9.00
ozwalled Robo Pump
Who can blame him?!
9/5/05 8.00
ozwalled Annual Gift Man
With crowbar and hacksaw in hand, it's the moon-dwelling Annual Gift Man! Note the petri dish of flesh-eating virii, pebbles for the cereal, strawberry tofu, kangaroo, and of course, EarthBound cartridge.
1/13/07 9.00
ozwalled Trick or Trick Kid
With Halloween on its way, I decided it was time to tackle Threed's Trick or Trick Kid. It's sloppy, sure, but I sort of like how it turned out anyway.
10/25/05 0.00
ozwalled Totem
Yeah, I have no idea, really.
8/11/08 0.00


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